Hip replacement


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Hip replacement, also known as total hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to replace a damaged or diseased hip joint with an artificial joint or prosthesis. The surgery is typically recommended when conservative treatments have failed to provide adequate pain relief or restore function in the hip joint

Types of hip replacement:
  • Total hip replacement: Your whole hip will be replaced with a prosthetic joint. The top (femoral head) of your thigh bone (femur) and the socket it fits into (acetabulum)will be replaced. Almost all hip replacements are total hip replacements.
  • Partial hip replacement: Partial hip replacements are very rare where only a part of your hip will be replaced. These are usually only done to repair certain types of broken hips (hip fractures) or to remove certain types of tumors.
Hip problems that might need replacement surgery:

Arthritis is the most common cause of hip pain and other symptoms that lead to people needing a hip replacement Other health conditions and issues that can damage your hip joint enough to require a hip replacement include: Osteonecrosis.

  • Traumas like car accidents or falls.
  • Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAI or hip impingement).
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Benign tumors (neoplasms).
  • Cancer.
  • Perthes disease.
Hip replacement ? Diagnosis And Treatment

Surgical procedure

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Here is an overview of the hip replacement procedure:

  • Anesthesia: The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep and pain-free throughout the procedure. In some cases, regional anesthesia techniques may be used.
  • Incision: The surgeon makes an incision over the hip joint, typically on the side or front of the hip. The size and location of the incision may vary depending on the surgical approach chosen.
  • Preparation of the Hip Joint: The damaged bone and cartilage of the hip joint are removed, reshaped, and prepared to receive the artificial components of the hip prosthesis. The femoral head (the ball-shaped top of the thigh bone) is typically removed, and a stem is placed into the hollow center of the femur (thigh bone).
  • Placement of Artificial Components: The artificial hip components are then implanted. The components consist of a metal socket that is placed in the hip socket (acetabulum) and a ball that replaces the femoral head. The components may be cemented into place or designed for bone to grow into them for stability (uncemented).
  • Closure: Once the artificial components are in place, the surgeon closes the incision with sutures or staples and may place a drain to remove any excess fluid from the surgical site.
  • Postoperative Care and Rehabilitation: After the surgery, you will be closely monitored in a recovery area. Pain management, medication, and physical therapy will be initiated to facilitate recovery, regain strength, and improve mobility. The length of the hospital stay and the specific rehabilitation plan will depend on various factors, including the individual's overall health and the surgeon's recommendations.

Post operative care

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Most hip replacements are outpatient surgeries, which means you can go home the same day. It usually takes people several months to recover after a hip replacement. You’ll need physical therapy for a few months. Adherence to post-operative rehabilitation exercises and follow-up appointments is crucial to achieve the best possible outcome.